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Nursing Students Make Aprons with River Pines Residents

Posted 3/15/2017

Karen Goldbeck and her nursing students made aprons this month with residents from River Pines Long-term Concierge Care. The residents and students got a chance to model the aprons for all to see.

Wonderful stories and reminiscing came along with the making of the aprons, as everyone had special memories from the past regarding aprons worn by themselves and their loved ones. 

We would like to say a very special thank you to Karen Goldbeck and her students for providing this opportunity to all of us at River Pines.









Grace Lutheran Communities has been helping our friends and neighbors in communities all over the Chippewa Valley since 1960. The non-profit organization specializes in rehabilitation, assisted living, skilled nursing, memory care, child care, independent living, and adult day services.